KOYAH Organic Freeze-Dried Whole Stalk Celery Powder vs. Competitors Celery Powder

KOYAH Organic Freeze-Dried Whole Stalk Celery Powder vs. Competitors Celery Powder

KOYAH Organic Freeze-Dried Whole Stalk Celery Powder vs. Competitors Celery Powder

Organic and not Organic: One of the first noticeable differences is our whole stalk celery powder is certified USDA organic, and our competitors is not certified organic. 

Sourcing of Ingredients: Our celery powder is made from organically grown stalks in the US. In contrast, our competitor, Super Celery, lists that they source their ingredients globally, meaning it could come from anywhere.

Appearance and Texture: Because raw celery is so high in water content, a celery powder that is freeze-dried really well will have a very fluffy texture and be light-green in color. The fluffy texture is a sign that the cell structure and nutrition has not been destroyed through the drying process. The competitors powder, which appears to be air-dried is brownish-green in color and much more dense. This is a sign that the nutrition and cell structure has been degraded through their dehydration process.

To compare the densities, the two piles in the picture are both the same weight—2.5 g of powder.

koyah celery powder vs competitors celery powder 

Taste and Experience: You can easily notice the quality between the two products. Adding one scoop of each celery into the water shows that our celery powder is light green and looks like celery, whereas our competitors are brown-green. Our celery powder in water tastes like fresh organic celery, whereas our competitors taste earthy burnt celery. 

Ultimately, we wanted to discuss the difference between our celery powder and some of our competitor's to help you understand some of the main differences between our products. We are committed to delivering the highest quality products so people can get nutritious benefits when life gets busy. Say goodbye to the hassle of juicing. 

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